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Hammurbi led the Amorite army.

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Q: What invading group took control of Babylon and was led by King Hammurabi?
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What invading group who took control of Babylon was led by King Hammurabi?


What did Hammurabi do before he was a king?

Hammurabi and his father belonged to a dynasty of independent kings of the city of Babylon. This group of kings, which Hammurabi was considered the most illustrious member of, is now referred to as the "First Dynasty of Babylon."

First group to rule after Hammurabi?

He was the sixth king of Babylon followed by Samsu-iluna of Babylon 1686-1678 BC.

What was the group to rule after hammurabi?

The first group to rule after Hammurabi was Hittites.

What was the first group to rule after Hammurabi?

The first group to rule after Hammurabi was Hittites.

What were king Hammurabi's rules in ancient Mesopotamia?

The King of Hammurabi had rlues of justice, for example, if you poked out someone's eye, then as a punishment you'd get your eye poked out. If you kill someone, the king will kill you as punishment.

What group lived to the code of Hammurabi?

the people of Mesopotamia.

What was the name of the group of people in Babylon?


Which group over ran Babylon?

The Hittites

Which group eventually overran Babylon?


Why should expieriments have a control group?

The control group in an experiment is the group that nothing is done to. The reason why there is a control group in experiments is to compare it with the group that has been tested.

Why do you use a control group?

You use a control group to compare the results of the experimental group to. The control group has the "normal" results. After the experiment, you can tell if and what has changed from the control groups results