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The Aztec Empire was conquered by Hernan Cortes of Spain and his allies among the other native tribes that opposed the Aztecs like the Tlaxcala. After the conquest, a vast number of European diseases (smallpox, typhus, etc.) infected the former Aztecs who had no immunity to these diseases. Historians currently estimate that at the time Cortes' conquest, there were around 25 million Aztecs. In the mid-1700s, the entire population of the same region (including Europeans and African slaves) was less than 1 million as a result of these diseases continually removing large chunks of the Aztec population.

There still remain some Aztec descendants, but they are very few in number and are far outnumbered by Mestizos, who make up the majority of the Mexican population. Still, 1.5 million Mexicans speak Nahuatl, the original Aztec language.

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βˆ™ 9y ago
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βˆ™ 9y ago

The Aztec Empire was conquered by Hernan Cortes of Spain and his allies among the other native tribes that opposed the Aztecs like the Tlaxcala. After the conquest, a vast number of European diseases (smallpox, typhus, etc.) infected the former Aztecs who had no immunity to these diseases. Historians currently estimate that at the time Cortes' conquest, there were around 25 million Aztecs. In the mid-1700s, the entire population of the same region (including Europeans and African slaves) was less than 1 million as a result of these diseases continually removing large chunks of the Aztec population.

There still remain some Aztec descendants, but they are very few in number and are far outnumbered by Mestizos, who make up the majority of the Mexican population. Still, 1.5 million Mexicans speak Nahuatl, the original Aztec language.

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βˆ™ 12y ago

they died because of smallpox. and they got conquered.

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