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Her husband took 'much-manned Helen' back hoe to Sparta with him plus, importantly, the treasure she had stolen when she ran off with paris.

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Q: What happend to Helen after the war over?
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What happend after the Trojan war?

No one know really what happend. Some say Paris died and The king was going to kill Helen, then he was to fond of her beauty and fell in love with her again. Some say that Paris did not die, he came back to get Helen, and they left and got married. So who really knows the real truth about what happend after the Trojan War....?

Who was the Trojan war fought over?

Helen of Sparta.

What city was the Trojan war fought over?

Helen of Troy.

Which side was Helen on in the Trojan war?

Helen wasn't on a side she was the one they were fighting over. So she was on both sides i guess. I don't know: read the Trojan War.

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no, that happend years later.

What nations where involved in the Trojan war?

The Trojan War was a war over Helen of Sparta/Troy between Greece (Sparta) and modern-day Turkey.

That Helen's kidnapping was worth the Trojan war and why?

Because the Trojan war was fought over a women and all the men knew what they were fighting for!

Where was Helen when the Trojan War was on?

Helen, the wife of King Menelaus of Sparta, was in Troy during the Trojan War where she had been taken by Paris, son of the King of Troy. It was to rescue her and punish the Trojans for taking her that the war started. Many historians agree with the biographer Plutarch (writing in 100AD) that Helen was in fact in Egypt during the Trojan War, as there are signs to that effect. Also if Helen had been in Troy, and Troy was faring so badly in the war, Helen would have been handed over for the sake of the city whether Paris consented or not.

What important events happend in Georgia in 1775?

from 1775-1781 the revolutionary war happend.

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What female was the prize of the Trojan war?

The Trojans and Greeks were fighting over Helen (first of Sparta, then of Troy).