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Athena cursed him because he burned down one of her temples while his army was invading Troy.

Poseidon cursed him because he poked out Polyphemus' eye.

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Q: What gods cursed Odysseus in the Odyssey?
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In the book the odyssey who cursed Odysseus first?

Polyphemus, the Cyclops.

Is Odysseus in book 10 cursed by the gods?

no it is not in that book it is in the 11 book

What is Odysseus trying to do in the Odysseus?

Odysseus blinded Poseidon's son's eye who is a Cyclops. So he was cursed that can not go back home. He tried to go back home in the Odyssey.

Once circe realizes who Odysseus is why does her attitude toward him change?

because he is cursed by the gods

What ways did the gods help Odysseus in the Odyssey?

Athena help Odysseus by giving him the wisdom to look at the olive tree to stab the Cyclops. Also, Zeus threw a lightning bolt at Odysseus ship after his crew had ate the sun gods cattle. Finally, Aeolus, god of the winds, helped them get homeward by using here winds. When they had Ithaca in sight they were blown straight back to her island because other gods or goddesses intervened because Odysseus' voyage was cursed.

How does Odysseus show respect for the gods in the Odyssey?

In the Odyssey, Odysseus shows respect for the gods by making sacrifices and offerings to them, following their guidance and advice, and acknowledging their power and influence over his destiny. He prays to the gods for help and guidance on his journey home, and he honors them by obeying their commands and rituals.

What gods have a major role in the Odyssey?

Some of the major gods in the Odyssey include Zeus, Athena, Poseidon, and Hermes. Zeus is the king of the gods, Athena is the goddess of wisdom and warfare who aids Odysseus, Poseidon is the god of the sea who opposes Odysseus, and Hermes is the messenger of the gods who helps guide Odysseus on his journey.

What is Odyssey from ancient Greece?

The Odyssey is an ancient Greek story written by Homer about a man called Odysseus and his journey home after war which took ten years as he was cursed.

What two actions do the Gods decide to take on Odysseus behalf In the book Homers Epic Poem The Odyssey?

In Homer's "The Odyssey," the gods decide to help Odysseus by sending Hermes to Calypso to demand Odysseus's release from her island and by inspiring Athena to plead with Zeus to intervene and help Odysseus return home to Ithaca.

Where is Poseidon which allows the gods to consider helping Odysseus?

Poseidon is in Ethiopia at the beginning of the Odyssey.

When Odysseus returns to Aeolus why doesn't Aeolus help him?

He does not wish to incur the god's wrath. He can tell that the gods have cursed Odysseus. Also, Odysseus has already wasted his first gift.

What do Poseidon and the rest of the gods disagree about at the beginning of the Odyssey?

Whether Odysseus should get to return home