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The god Quetzalcoatl.

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Q: What god did the Aztecs think cortez was?
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What are the reasons why Cortez conquered all the Aztecs?

Cortez killed the Aztecs because of the 3 G's. God, Gold, Glory. God: the Spanish wanted to spread cathlicism. Aztecs wouldn't accept it. Gold: Cortez thought the Aztecs were hiding gold. But the Aztecs were not hiding gold (they didn't even know what gold was!!). Cortez would not believe the Aztecs when they told him they had no gold. Glory: [note: I'm not sure if this last reason is true] The spanish killed the Aztecs (at least partly) because they can.

What advantages did Cortes have on the Aztecs?

Cortez had many advantages on the Aztecs. For one, when he first got there, the Aztecs thought he was their god Quetzelcoatl. They took him in which allowed him to get into the city. They were a more primative civilization so they did not have the weapons that Cortez had.

Why did the Aztecs welcome Cortes?

They welcomed him because the Aztecs believed that he was qetzalcoatl, their main god. In a prophecy, Qetzalcoatl was to come back in the year reed, an the god was a fair skinned god. Any guesses on what year it was to the Aztecs when cortez got there? Year reed. They thought Cortez was their god.He came in 1519.

How did Cortes interact with the Aztecs?

The meeting between the Aztecs and Cortez didn't go very well. As you may already know Cortez befriended the Aztecs because they thought he was a holy God. He left the city and when he returned he realized his men had killed all of the Aztecs due to some religious ritual. I think that if he had been there he would have stopped his men from killing the Aztecs, but that is just my opinion. So in conclusion the meeting between the Aztecs and Cortez went horribly wrong; in result many innocent people died.

Did the Aztecs welcome Cortez at first?

they thought he was the god Quetzalcoatl. legend had it that he would return from the east in another form. The leader of the Aztecs, Montezuma, gave Cortez gifts thinking that it would please him and he would leave but instead Cortez wanted more.

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Why did the Aztecs fear Cortez?

They thought he was a god

How did herrman Cortes conquer the Aztec?

It all started off with the Aztecs beliveing in this "god" called the bird god and when Cortez came all the Aztecs thought that Cortez was the bird god because of the big sails on his ship and his armor and all the amazing things that the Aztecs did not have. when Cortez landed, the Aztecs invited Cortez in because they thought that he was the bird god. when Cortez saw how nicely the Aztecs were treating Cortez he pretended that he actually was the bird god. Shprtly after that Cortez and his crew took the emporer or king and took him and Cortez said if you didnt fill this small, empty room form floor to celing with gold then he would kill the king/emporor and the Aztecs did. They filled it up and after that Cortez and his crew all had guns of course because they were from Europe and the scared the Aztecs and sothen they pretty much killed all the Aztecs and that's how they pretty much all got wiped out. In the end Cortez and his crew god all the money and the Aztecs got killed.

What are the reasons why Cortez conquered all the Aztecs?

Cortez killed the Aztecs because of the 3 G's. God, Gold, Glory. God: the Spanish wanted to spread cathlicism. Aztecs wouldn't accept it. Gold: Cortez thought the Aztecs were hiding gold. But the Aztecs were not hiding gold (they didn't even know what gold was!!). Cortez would not believe the Aztecs when they told him they had no gold. Glory: [note: I'm not sure if this last reason is true] The spanish killed the Aztecs (at least partly) because they can.

What advantages did Cortes have on the Aztecs?

Cortez had many advantages on the Aztecs. For one, when he first got there, the Aztecs thought he was their god Quetzelcoatl. They took him in which allowed him to get into the city. They were a more primative civilization so they did not have the weapons that Cortez had.

Did tenochtitlan have a war with cortez?

no the Aztecs thought cortez was an Aztec god coming to wipe them out so they showered the spanish with gifts hoping for the best so cortez took that chance of defeating them and brought the Aztecs to their knees

Who concored the Aztecs?

it was the conquistadors from Spain i think it was Hernando cortez

Why did the Aztecs welcome Cortes?

They welcomed him because the Aztecs believed that he was qetzalcoatl, their main god. In a prophecy, Qetzalcoatl was to come back in the year reed, an the god was a fair skinned god. Any guesses on what year it was to the Aztecs when cortez got there? Year reed. They thought Cortez was their god.He came in 1519.

The Aztecs welcomed with open arms because they thought he was a God?

Hernan Cortez

Who did the Aztecs think Hernan Cortes was?

Hernan Cortez was not a God but when he arrive to America (Tenochtitlán) the Aztec thought he was his God Montezuma because of his light skin.

How did Cortes interact with the Aztecs?

The meeting between the Aztecs and Cortez didn't go very well. As you may already know Cortez befriended the Aztecs because they thought he was a holy God. He left the city and when he returned he realized his men had killed all of the Aztecs due to some religious ritual. I think that if he had been there he would have stopped his men from killing the Aztecs, but that is just my opinion. So in conclusion the meeting between the Aztecs and Cortez went horribly wrong; in result many innocent people died.

What Indian tribe did Hernando Cortes conquer?

Hernando Cortez defeated the Aztecs of Mexico.

Did the Aztecs welcome Cortez at first?

they thought he was the god Quetzalcoatl. legend had it that he would return from the east in another form. The leader of the Aztecs, Montezuma, gave Cortez gifts thinking that it would please him and he would leave but instead Cortez wanted more.