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Inca the sun God

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Q: What god did the Aztecs sacrifice to?
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How did the Aztecs thank there god?

The Aztecs did human sacrifice and gave their gods gifts to please them.

What did the Aztecs sacrifice to please their god?

the heart of the slaves of war

Did Aztecs' really sacrifice peoples hearts and offer them to the sun god?

Yes. The Aztecs did do human sacrifices of their hearts and gave it to their sun of god, Huitzilopochtli.

Why did Aztecs kill people?

Aztecs would kill people Because they thought that the sun was a God And they would sacrifice people till their "God" was Satisfied.

Why did Aztecs sacrifice to the god of rain?

so there crops could grow.

Who practiced human sacrifice to appease their war god?

The Aztecs practiced human sacrifice to keep their war god Huitzilopochtli strong.

Why did the ancient Aztecs sacrifice people?

They would sacrifice because it was a way of showing honor to the emporor/god.

Who practiced sacrifice to appease their war gods?

The Aztecs practiced human sacrifice to keep their war god Huitzilopochtli strong.

Why did the Aztecs sacrifice people in the temple?

the Aztecs sacrificed people to make the sun god happy so the sun would rise every day.

Why did the Aztecs sacrifice human beings to their gods?

Huitzilopochtli, the main god of the Aztecs and the god of war, was bloodthirsty and he needed sacrifices to sustain him in his journey throughout the day. The Aztecs believed that if they didn't sacrifice a human then the sun would not rise the next day.

What did Ancient Aztecs sacrifice?

Aztecs would sacrifice prisoners they had caught in war and Aztecs who had done wrong.

Who is the sun god of the Aztecs?

The sun god of the Aztecs is Huitzilopochtli. He was the most important deity in the Aztec pantheon and was associated with war and the sun. Huitzilopochtli required human sacrifice to ensure the sun's continued rising.