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Paris of Troy abducted Helen who was the wife of Menelaus.

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Q: What event started the Trojan war?
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What event finally brought the Trojan war to an end?

Trojan horse

Who was the evil goddess that started the Trojan war?

Helen did not start the Trojan war pelccaria did

Who started the Trojan war?


Was Aphrodite in an important event?

Yes, in the Trojan war

What war started when Helen ran off with Paris to troy?

The 'Trojan War' was said to have started.

When did the real Trojan war occur?

the Trojan War was a historical event of the 13th or 12th century BC, but by the mid-19th century

Was Hercules in the Trojan War?

No he was not. He was dead by the time the Trojan War started. It s mentioned in a passage that he appears as a specter to Filoctetes.

What 2 greek gods got married and started the Trojan war?

None. the Trojan war started because Paris kidnapped Helen, and the Spartans wanted her back

What did Athena do in the Trojan War?

Athena, in part, started the Trojan War. The war originated from a quarrel between the goddesses, Aphrodite, Hera, and Athena.

When did the real Trojan war probably occur?

the Trojan War was a historical event of the 13th or 12th century BC, but by the mid-19th century

Is the Trojan war historical event or a legend?

Wiki answers fails

What event was described n the epic poem the Iliad?

The Trojan war.