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Maddy is short for Madeline which is the English form of Magdalene. Magdalene was in the New Testament. She was cleaned of evil spirits by Jesus.

Whoever wrote this doesn't know their MODERN English facts because Maddie,Madeline,Maddison,Madison,Maddy and even the boy name;Madison all mean mighty in battle, just because Jesus had something to do with with someone who name was Magdalene or something like that doesn't mean that is what the names actual meaning is "Madeline" is just another name for all the other names I listed up there, And finally my name is Madison so I should Know!


Maddison is Old English and means "son of a mighty warrior"

Maddie,Madeleine,Maddy are variants of the Hebrew name Madeline meaning "woman from Magdala, or the Old English word Maida meaning young, unmarried woman; maiden. Compare with modern German Mägdelein; Mädchen also meaning young, unmarried woman; maiden.

It means I am mad for me
maddy means mad babe

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11y ago
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14y ago

Maddie is the pet form of Madeleine (hebrew) and Maida (Old English). The meaning of Maddie is"woman from Magdala"; maiden; young, unmarried woman.

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13y ago

it mean your middle name like James Willam Watt

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8y ago

It means she is a cool girl!

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Is maddy a guy name?

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Is maddy a good name?

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