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It means that the person is extremely beautiful. It is in reference to Helen of Troy from Greek mythology, who was so incredibly beautiful that she was the main factor in the Trojan war.

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Q: What does the expression 'a face that would launch a thousand ships' mean?
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Was Ulysses the one of the people that were on the ship in The Odyssey?

Odysseus (Ulysses) was on various ships in the Odyssey. There were many ships, so you would have to be more specific.

Why do you think the Aztec empire would have survived if Cortes had not attacked?

Cortes retreated when the Aztecan is full launch.

Why Helen known as 'the face that launched a thousand ships'?

When the goddess of strife and discord, Eris, presented a golden apple "to the fairest" at Thetis's wedding to Peleus, Athena, Hera and Aphrodite got into a big disagreement. Zeus declared that Paris, a Trojan prince (he didn't know he was a prince since his parents left him in the mountains when the received a prophecy that he would destroy the city. He lived as a shepard), would decide. Paris's verdict was that Aphrodite was the prettiest so in return, she granted him the most beautiful woman in all of Greece. That just so happened to be Menelaus's wife, Helen of Sparta. Paris "kidnapped" Helen and brought her to Troy to be his wife. Sparta allied with Mycenae (Menelaus's brother was Agamemnon of Mycenae) and waged war with Troy. Troy fell and Menelaus got Helen back. In short, a huge war was fought, a whole city fell and many people died just because of a beautiful face.

Why did Zeus destroy odyseuses's ships?

Zeus destroyed his ships because his men killed the god Apollo's sacred cattle, and Apolo threatened that if Zeus didn't punish Odysseus, then Apollo would leave the surface and forever light the underworld

Why was Liverpool important during the slave trade?

Liverpool, as well as Bristol, were important because they were seaside towns, which meant they had docks. They were the first places the slaves ships would go after selling their slaves in america. When their ships were docked, the crew would clean out the slaves living area. It was the last stop in the triangular trade.

Related questions

How many ships could be launched by a face with 1.00 millihelen of beauty?

Helen of Troy has been described as "the face that launched a thousand ships". If we define the amount of beauty required to do that as "one helen", then one millihelen would be sufficient to launch 1 ship, assuming it's a linear equation.

What would be the participle of this. the ships are built of steel they are light and strong?

The participle of this sentence would be "The building of ships that are light and strong". Although this isn't strictly a grammatically correct sentence, the participle expression is building.

What is an expression for how would you convert 600 kilograms into grams?

Since the prefix "kilo" means thousand, you multiply by 1000.

What are the enormous cargo ships that can hold over three hundred thousand tons of oil?

That would be an ULCC (ultra large crude carrier).

How do you get rid of a ship on Pirates of the Caribbean online?

If you wish to delete your ship, talk to the shipwright (he has an anchor over his head). He will ask you what you want. Click delete. It will show you your list of ships. Click where launch would be if you setting sail. It will say delete instead of launch. it will ask you if you wish to delete that ship. Click yes

How do you use launch in a alliteration?

First, you learn what alliteration is. Then, you think of "launch" and how you would use it in a sentence. Then you write a sentence with "launch" and an alliteration of it.

How do you write a alliteration with launch?

First, you learn what alliteration is. Then, you think of "launch" and how you would use it in a sentence. Then you write a sentence using "launch" and an alliteration of it.

What would you call a group of ships?

A fleet of ships.

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No, it would not be possible to survive a Saturn V launch from within the launch gantry. The immense heat, sound, and vibrations generated during the launch would be fatal to anyone in such close proximity to the rocket. Safety protocols require personnel to be at a safe distance during a rocket launch.

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you need to be i astro knights in space i would know I am 11

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Which of the following would not be found recorded in ships logs?

Other ships encounteredOther ships encountered