Hellene is Greek for Greek. In Greek their country is called Hellas.
in greek ohi means no
Alison is NOT a Greek name.
waht does the rose of the greek goddess aphrodite mean
Eisai, in Greek, means "you are" in English.
Con means "together with"
No, con does not mean not. Con- means together or with.
Se escribe con you con acento
con = with dia = day
hablaron con means they spoke to
"Con espirito" is Spanish for "with spirit".
"Con tigo" is a Spanish phrase that means "with you."
no hable con maria
se escribe con = "it is written with"
synapse / synapsis < Greek σύναψη / σύναψις < συν- (con-) + άπτειν (to touch) = conjunction, connection
In most cases, the prefix col- is the form taken by the Latin verbal prefix con- when it is attached to a word starting with the letter 'L'. Con- signifies "with" or "together", so, for example, "collaborate" is from con- + laborare, and means "to work together".In some cases col- is from a different source, the Latin word collum, "neck" (e.g., "collar"), or from colon, "large intestine", a borrowing from Greek "kolon".
with you