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He told the cyclopes that his name was "Noman".

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Q: What does Odysseus tell cyclopes what his name is?
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Why did Odysseus tell the Cyclops his real name when they are escaping?

To trick the cyclopes into telling the others that "nobody" has tricked him.

What are Odysseus feelings about the Cyclopes?

The Odysseus feelings about the Cyclopes is unbearable. The Odysseus is very graceful to the Cyclopes but he just doesn't understand.

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Odysseus didnt forget his name, he changed it to nobody to fool the cyclopes.

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Why was it bad to tell the cyclopes his name was Odysseus at the end?

The Cyclops was the son of Poseidon, who was already angry at Odysseus. The Cyclops made it worse by praying to Poseidon that Odysseus would have a very long and hard journey back to his home of Ithaca.

What was Odysseus doing when Hermes arrived on the island of cyclopes?

When Hermes arrived on Cyclopes Odysseus was crying of homesickness.

How does Odysseus show cunning in the crisis with the cyclops?

Odyesseus tells the cyclopes that his name is nohbody, and the cyclopes yells "nohbody has blinded me!" That made the other cyclopes' think that all was well. :)

Can Cyclopes talk?

yes Answer 2. Polyphemus asked Odysseus about his name, which showed he could talk.

Why does Odysseus decide not to kill the cyclopes?

Because the cyclopes' father which was the god of sea would punish him or kill him if he did. So he escaped without killing him to be safe but the Cyclopes prays to his father to kill Odysseus. :)

Odysseus had been cursed by who?

The cyclopes and Poseidon

What those the cyclopes throw at Odysseus?
