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that he is human

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Q: What does Odysseus gleeful response to his successful trick reveal about his character?
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Related questions

What does Odysseus' gleeful response to his successful trick reveal about his character?

that he is human

Is gleeful a word?

Yes gleeful is a word according to the websters dictionary Answer. Yes, gleeful means to be merry.

What is the is the prefix and suffix to the world gleeful?

There is no prefix in gleeful. The suffix is -ful.

What is a Analogy of gleeful?

birthday party is related to "gleeful" as funeral is related to somber

What does gleeful mean?

gleefulness (an English word) = joy, happiness

What is gleeful?

It means extremely happy.

Is gleeful a noun?

no, its an adjective. glee is a noun.

What is singing glee?

because singing is gleeful!

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What are three rhymes for cheerful?

Fearful, Tearful, Gleeful

What is the mood of this passage The Red Badge of Courage?


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