That depends on the volcano.
When Zeus toppled Cronos from power he placed many of "the hundred handed ones" on various mountains and volcanos, for when Cronos' minions and brothers - the titans - went to climb said mountains the hundred handed ones threw rocks down to them, thousands upon thousands of rocks and boulders, which scared and scattered the titans making them easier to capture.
Or of course when the Greek goddess Gaia, goddess of earth, gets mad and angry the earth reflects her temper with earthquakes and volcano's.
Hope thats of some help...?
Volcanoes represented the forges of Hephaestus in Greek mythology. Hephaestus was a blacksmith God.
The word volcano more likely came from ROMAN mythology, not Greek, because the Roman god of fire and volcanoes was called Vulcan.
There is no Eric in Greek mythology.
Boltar is not from Greek mythology.
Greek Mythology is older.
Volcanoes represented the forges of Hephaestus in Greek mythology. Hephaestus was a blacksmith God.
The word volcano more likely came from ROMAN mythology, not Greek, because the Roman god of fire and volcanoes was called Vulcan.
In Greek mythology, the titan Prometheus is often associated with being chained and trapped on a mountain rather than in a volcano. However, there is no specific titan commonly associated with being trapped in a volcano.
Capitalize only the G i n Greek but not the mythology. It should be Greek mythology.
There is no Eric in Greek mythology.
Boltar is not from Greek mythology.
Greek mythology is about the ancient Greek gods. Rome was not an ancient Greek god.
Volcano came from Vulcan, the roman name of Hephaestus, the blacksmith of the Greek gods. It was believed that when he forged weapons, sparks would fly up and cause volcanic eruptions.
Isis is not in greek mythology just mythology she is a egyption goddess
In Greek mythology it is Poseidon and in roman mythology it is Neptune
Mythology is about Greek mythology.
Greek Mythology is older.