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From the Levant to Central Asia

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Q: What did the the Persian Empire under Cyrus the Great cover?
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How long was the Persian Empire in existence?

The term Persian Empire is loosely used to cover several periods. The real empire of the Persians was 550-321 BCE. Other peoples took over Persia, starting with Alexander the Great.

What present day country did the Persian empire cover?


How much land did the Persian empire cover?

It depends on the time period. At some point their empire stretched from western india, the northern parts of africa, and the lower halves of europe. They persians conquered Spain, and stayed in control for a while. You have to look at specific Persian rulers to see how much land they owned.

Why did Cyrus make the biggest contribution as Persian leader?

Cyrus' conquest was relatively humane compared to empires preceding his, such as the Babylonians and Assyrians. He allowed many areas of his empire a great deal of autonomy, rather than centrally controlling things. This distributed leadership allowed Persia to cover a greater geographical area than previous empires in that era and still be fairly stable, since most of its subjects were content to remain under Persian rule. Persian law was more codified and less arbitrary than previous empires; the king's seal declared approval of law which could only be reversed by further approved decrees -- not quite rule of law but going in that direction. Perhaps the biggest contribution to history was founding an empire that would allow Alexander the Great to conquer a large amount of territory while essentially needing only to fight one power. The unified nature of the empire is apparent by the fact that there was little indigenous resistance following Alexander's conquest, although of course it did begin to fall apart after Alexander's death.

Which present -day country did the Aztec empire cover much of?


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Did the Aztecs do most of the Persian Empire cover?

There is no connection between the Aztec Empire and the Persian Empire. They did not know of each other's existence.

How long was the Persian Empire in existence?

The term Persian Empire is loosely used to cover several periods. The real empire of the Persians was 550-321 BCE. Other peoples took over Persia, starting with Alexander the Great.

What present day country did the Persian empire cover?


Approximately how many miles did the Persian Empire cover?

5,000 km = 3200 miles

How much of the Persian Empire did the royal road cover?

around 1,677 miles with 111 rely stations

How far did Alexander the Great's empire cover?

From Libya to Central Asia.

How much land did the Persian empire cover?

It depends on the time period. At some point their empire stretched from western india, the northern parts of africa, and the lower halves of europe. They persians conquered Spain, and stayed in control for a while. You have to look at specific Persian rulers to see how much land they owned.

Why did Cyrus make the biggest contribution as Persian leader?

Cyrus' conquest was relatively humane compared to empires preceding his, such as the Babylonians and Assyrians. He allowed many areas of his empire a great deal of autonomy, rather than centrally controlling things. This distributed leadership allowed Persia to cover a greater geographical area than previous empires in that era and still be fairly stable, since most of its subjects were content to remain under Persian rule. Persian law was more codified and less arbitrary than previous empires; the king's seal declared approval of law which could only be reversed by further approved decrees -- not quite rule of law but going in that direction. Perhaps the biggest contribution to history was founding an empire that would allow Alexander the Great to conquer a large amount of territory while essentially needing only to fight one power. The unified nature of the empire is apparent by the fact that there was little indigenous resistance following Alexander's conquest, although of course it did begin to fall apart after Alexander's death.

What is the newest album of Miley Cyrus?

It's entitled "Miley Cyrus" she's on the front cover with a mic.

How did the Persian war of Greece begin?

Miletus - its Persian-appointed Greek tyrant Aristagoras persuaded the Persian provincial governor to participate in a conquest of the Greek island of Naxos. The expedition failed, and Aristagoras, knowing Persian retribution was coming, stirred up the Ionian cities to revolt to cover himself.

What is cimorellis first cover?

"Party in the USA" by Miley Cyrus

Has Miley Cyrus been on the cover of rolling stone?

No, She hasn't