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They didn't use money, but their slaves did.

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Q: What did the people of Sparta use as money?
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Was used as money by the people of Sparta?


What was used by the people of Sparta as money?


What did ancient Sparta use instead of money?

Bares of iron, they looked like cores, or dowels

Sparta used heavy iron bars as money What conclusion might you make from this?

Spartan money was easier to use that Athenian money.

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What did people believe in Sparta?

People in Sparta believed in military strength

What did Helots do in Sparta?

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How did people meet there needs in Sparta?

people meet their needs in Sparta by working.

Are there any famous people from Sparta?

You call people from Sparta Spartans.

In Sparta enslaved people were called what?

Slaves or enslaved people in Sparta were called helots.

Why did Sparta have a system of money or coins like other city states?

yes sparta had minted coins

What are two nouns for Sparta?

Laconia is one of the names of Sparta. Hence people who use words sparingly are known as "laconic", since the Spartans believed in action and not in words. Harish.