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What they explain is it teaches you life lessons for the future so half of the ancient greek myths are false.

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Q: What did the myths attempt to explain?
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Myths often attempt to explain the origins of the world, natural phenomena (like the sun or rain), and the behavior of humans or gods.

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Myths are used to explain the unexplainable and tell stories.

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Yes, they are. They are the earliest stories that cultures tell in an attempt to explain the world in which they live. For us, thousands of years later, myths are considered to be an early form of that culture's literature, even if they aren't always very complex or sophisticated by our standards.

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What are greek myths explain?

they explain everything that happened on earth, like in most myths. Like the weather or why sun rises and the seasons.

Why did greek develope myths?

The Greeks created myths to explain how the world worked. Examples include why the seasons changed or how earthquakes were created.

Do myths explain the creation of the world?
