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They sacked the city of Troy and burned it to the ground. They killed every male old enough to carry a sword and killed all the male nobles they could find, regardless of age (to end the line of Priam and the need to avenge it). The women and remaining children were taken as slaves.

After this, they returned to their respective homes.

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Q: What did the greeks do when they won the trojan war?
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Who won in Trojan war?

the Greeks

Who won the war of The Trojan horse?

the Greeks

Who won the Trojan war Athens or Spartans?

None, the Trojan war was a battle between the (Achaeans and Trojans). The Greeks won the battle with the famous Trojan Horse, the Spartans fought with the Greeks against Troy.

Who won the Trojan war and how was it won?

It is said that the GREEKS won the Trojan war.It is also said that they won it in a big woodan horse.Do you know WHY it was called the Trojan war?If No, it is called the Trojan war because it happent in a villedge called TROY123Nay

Who won the war in the Trojan war?

The Greeks won by using a giant hollow wooden horse with Greeks inside to get inside the Trojans defenses so they could open the gates

Did the greeks win the trojan war?

According to tradition, Troy was sacked by the Greeks during the 10th year of the Trojan war and Greek victory was secured. However there were believed to be a number of Trojan survivors of the war who went on to found new colonies, most notably Aeneas.

How did Poseidon help the Greeks win the Trojan war?

Poseidon urged the Greeks to keep fighting and gave them the idea to build a giant horse and get inside (the Trojan horse). the did as told and eventually won the war.

What is the gift from the Greeks?

In the Trojan War? The Trojan Horse, in which the Greeks hid.

Did troy or the Greeks win the Trojan war?

According to Homer's epics, the Greeks won the Trojan war by using a wooden horse, all of the soldiers climbed into it, so when the Trojans brought it into their city, the Greeks clambered out in the middle of the night and ambushed the city.

Who won the Trojan war the Greeks or the Romans?

Greeks - as the Romans were not yet a major power: but the people we know for Greeks did not call themselves Greek when warring with Troy.

Who did the Greeks pretend to be after the Trojan War?


Did the Myceneans or Troy win in the Trojan battle?

The Mycenaeans, or in other words, the Greeks, won the Trojan War by capturing the city, burning it and enslaving the survivors.