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The Aztecs accomplished a great number of feats in fact they where the first culture to make it mandatory for all youths to attend schools, have one of the most advanced mathematical systems in the world , metal working unrivaled canal irrigation systems for fir their crops one of which as corn which they also invented, first civilization to have sewer systems ,aqueducts hot tubes ,and saunas,invented the observatory in which modern ones are based of. In fact at the time of the spanish arrival. The aztecs had the largest most advanced city in the world according to hernan cortez and his comrades and it was all build in the middle of a lake.not to mention they constructed the biggest pyramid of the world.

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βˆ™ 7y ago
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βˆ™ 12y ago

the Aztec accomplished farming and the good calendar

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Q: What did the Aztec accomplish?
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