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goat and crow and you ofcourse......

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Q: What did people sacrifice to Zeus?
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Related questions

Why did people in Ancient Greece sacrifice animals to Zeus?

People in Ancient Greece sacrificed animals to Zeus because they wanted to favor the gods so the gods would favor them

How was Zeus worshipped by the gods?

Greeks worshipped Zeus with a fire throwing animals on top for a sacrifice

Why did Zeus flood the earth?

Zeus flooded the earth in Greek mythology as part of the Titanomachy, a battle between the Titans and the Olympian gods. He wanted to punish humanity for their wickedness and reset civilization. This catastrophic event is known as the Great Deluge.

What was Odysseus sacrifice to Zeus that was rejected?

a great ram

Why did people worship the god Zeus?

How did the Greek worship Zeus

Why did people fear Zeus?

Because people thought that Zeus might throw lightning bolt at them.

How do you worship Zeus?

Give him offereings by making a fire and putting food in and sayinf"To Zeus" or sacrifices. sacrifice an animal by throwing it in a fire and repeating to Zeus or talk to him like you would to any God. Praying if you will

What did Zeus mean to the Greek people?

Zeus mean same in Greek

When did people worship Zeus?

People worshiped Zeus in the time of Ancient Greece and the great Greek Empire

What does king nestor offer in sacrifice to Zeus?

nothing and whatever u are saying did not happen.

Why did people like Zeus?

People liked Zeus because he was powerful and handsome. He often appealed to mortal women and had many children with them. Zeus was called mighty and wise.

Who protect Zeus?

Zeus protects assemblies of people, councils, and families.