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Pull it from the door like tie it with the door and pull it

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Q: What did people do to pull teeth before forceps was invented?
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Related questions

What is the difference between forceps and blunt probe?

Forceps are instruments that are used to extract the teeth while the blunt probes are used to locate caries.

What are adson brown forceps used for?

Standard thumb-operated, wishbone type forceps for grasping tissue, with a rat-tooth tip with a single point on one side fitting in between two teeth on the other. Adson-Browntissue forceps have multiple fine teeth at the edges of the tips.go to

Why was toothpaste invented?

people teeth were dirty.

What did people do before the toothbrush was invented?

Before the toothbrush was invented, people used a variety of methods to clean their teeth, such as chewing on sticks, using rough cloth or sponges, and rinsing their mouths with water or herbal mixtures. Some cultures also used abrasive powders like crushed shells or charcoal to scrub their teeth.

What was used before false teeth?

if people could afford it they wold have animal teeth, other human teeth from people who were already dead, or ocassionally wood

How was brushing your teeth invented?

it was invented because it makes your teeth white and gives you good breath

What is a dental hygiensit?

they are the people who clean your teeth before the dentist looks at them

What are kocher forceps used for?

Ochsner-Kocher forceps are a type of medical instrument designed for performing a specific action for the purpose of carrying out a desired effect during surgery. The Ochsner Kocher are a clamping forceps with inter-locking teeth along the inside surface of its either curved or strait elongated tips.

Who invented toothpaste and brushes?

Egyptans Explanation: Egyptians are believed to have started using a paste to clean their teeth around 5000BC, before toothbrushes were invented. Ancient Greeks and Romans are known to have used toothpastes, and people in China and India first used toothpaste around 500BC.

Where was yarn invented?

people say that it was invented in Africa like in 1990, the stared to make them out if leafs, and tiger teeth, and other stuff.

Who invented hungry hobo?

After the Spanish-Mexican war people were left homeless forced to eat boogers with added sugar. They got cavities from the sugar. Because of this they lost their teeth and there was no dentist. They had no teeth and applesauce was not invented so they starved to death.

Why were the braces invented?

to straighten teeth