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St. Nicholas was a bishop in the town of Myra in Asia Minor (now modern Turkey) in the 4th century. He also died in the 4th century.

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Q: What did St. Nicholas do in the fourth century AD?
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Who lived in Turkey in the fourth century AD?

Thousands of people live in Turkey during thr 4th century. Perhaps the most famous was St. Nicholas of Myra.

When did St. Nicholas live?

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St. Nicholas, often known as Santa Claus. His feast day is the 6th of December.

In which book of the Bible is the story of Saint Nicholas?

There is no reliable historical record of St. Nicholas, and some say he existed only in legend. Many of the St. Nicholas stories do seem to be imagination interwoven with at most a grain of truth. In any case, Nicholas is said to have lived in the fourth century, long after the Bible was completed. There is no book of the Bible that mentions Saint Nicholas.

When was Saint Nicholas born and when did he die?

Little is known about the birth of St. Nicholas of Myra. It occurred about the year AD 270 and died in AD 343.

In what century was St. Nicholas of Myra born?

He was born in the third century about the year 270.

When and where did the original St. Nicholas live?

St. Nicholas of Myra was born in the 3rd century and died in the 4th century. He lived in Myra, a town in the Asia Minor, today known as Turkey.

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