Based on surviving images and contemporary descriptions: When very young (up to 3 years) they wore no clothing at all. After that, girls wore blouses and skirts and boys a sort of poncho and - from age 13 on - a loincloth.
Kids in the Aztec time wore nothing because it was to hot to wear anything.
posbly nothing
They wear skirt made out of bamboo and trees and leaves
A calmecac is a school for the children of Aztec nobility.
a uniform
Kids in the Aztec time wore nothing because it was to hot to wear anything.
Aztec children would typically wear simple garments made from materials like cotton or maguey fibers for school. Boys might wear a loincloth or tunic, while girls might wear a skirt and a blouse. Additionally, they would often have sandals made from woven plant fibers or leather.
Aztec children typically wore simple clothing made from local materials such as cotton. Boys usually wore loincloths or short tunics, while girls wore sleeveless dresses. As they grew older, children would wear more elaborate garments that reflected their social status and family background.
what do aztecs wear
Aztec children did not wear uniforms. However, they often wore simple clothing made from cotton, including tunics and loincloths for boys and blouses and skirts for girls. They may have also worn sandals or went barefoot, depending on their social status.
nobles rich Aztecs
posbly nothing
they did do jobs
they would wear a cape, shorts and a shirt