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Q: What developments did the Japanese bring to the of massage in the 6th century AD?
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What type of conditions require a Reiki Massage?

Being stressed is the main condition that would require a Reiki massage. Sickness and stress can lower ones energy, Reiki can bring happiness and health.

What elements of cultural did Japanese bring to America?

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tacos and burritos

Can massage therapy cause side effects?

Sometimes people are concerned that massage may leave them too relaxed or too mentally unfocused. To the contrary, massage tends to leave people feeling more relaxed and alert. Especially if it is of the Eastern variety. Thai massage and Acupressure energize, rejuvenate, and bring a feeling of calm alertness after having it performed.

What is balinese massage?

Balinese massage is a massage technique wherein it is known to its gentle nature. It is soft and a relaxing massage. A Balinese massage uses a combination of gentle stretches, acupressure and aromatherapy oils to stimulate the flow of blood, oxygen and "qi" (energy) around your body, and bring deep relaxation and wellness. An ancient technique, Balinese massage uses a variety of techniques including skin rolling, kneading and stroking, acupressure and reflexology; essential oils will relax and soothe you.

Is it okay to have massage if you have menstruation?

Yes. The massage therapist doesn't necessarily need to know about you being on your period, but if you are bold enough to bring it up and ask for an abdominal massage, it can actually decrease cramping as well as help with the flow. Also, if you are late in starting, the use of hot stones during the massage (with one placed on the lower abdomen) can help get you started. (CAN, not necessarily WILL)

What is the role of a therapist during a massage session?

The role of a massage therapist is to be a facilitator of healing. A massage session may have different focuses of intent, but the one single element that is consistent in all massage therapy sessions is that there is an element of relaxation, because relaxation triggers the parasympathetic 'relaxation' response where the body can initiate and be promoted to turn on the mechanisms that will bring about healing of the body - and the mind.