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When the monster wouldn't let him go.

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Q: What curse at the end of Odysseus adventure foreshadows trouble?
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What curse at the end of this adventure foreshadows trouble to Odysseus?

When The Monster Wouldn't Let Him Go.

What curse foreshadows trouble for Romeo and Juliet?

"A plague on both your houses."

What prayer does the cyclops make to his father?

That Odysseus not be allowed to return home.

What curse does the cyclops put on Odysseus?

That he is going to eat them

What is a fact about the Odyssey character Poseidon?

Poseidon despised Odysseus. He hated him because Odysseus took Polyphemus (Poseidon's Son) eye. Polyphemus later Prayed to his father and told him to Curse Odysseus. Which Poseidon made a curse that made it harder for Odysseus to get home.

What is an explanation of Polyphemus' curse?

Odysseus and his men trick, then blind the Cyclops Polyphemus. So, he prays to his father, Poseidon, god of the sea and earthquakes, and asks him to put a curse on Odysseus and his men. Poseidon does and the curse torments them for the rest of their voyage.

Why Odysseus's men died?

Poseidon commanded them to be killed off on their voyage because of the curse he put on Odysseus.

What does Polyphemus do when he finds out Odysseus' name?

Polyphemus laments, recalling when the seer Telemus told him that he would one day be blinded by Odysseus. The cyclops then calls out to his father Poseidon, and asks him to curse Odysseus. He asks him to kill Odysseus before he returns home or if Odysseus is fated to return home, then to ensure that he arrives alone on someone else's ship, having lost all of his crew, and with trouble in his home.

What enables Polyphemos to call down a curse upon Odysseus?

The Cyclops Polyphemos is the son of Poseidon. When Ployphemos is wounded, thwarted, and mocked by Odysseus, he calls out to his father for vengeance. Thus bringing a curse from Poseidon down upon the head of Odysseus.

What are the consequences of Odysseus letting Polyphemus know who outwitted him?

Polyphemus calls upon his father Poseidon to curse Odysseus.

What are the release dates for Clash of the Gods - 2009 Odysseus Curse of the Sea 1-6?

Clash of the Gods - 2009 Odysseus Curse of the Sea 1-6 was released on: USA: 14 September 2009

What is ironic about the curse polyphemus calls down on Odysseus in The Odyssey?

The irony in Polyphemus's curse on Odysseus is that he unknowingly calls on Poseidon to exact revenge on himself. Polyphemus is unaware that Odysseus is disguised as "Nobody" when Odysseus blinds him, leading Polyphemus to ask Poseidon to punish "Nobody." This irony contributes to the cunning and cleverness of Odysseus in escaping the Cyclops.