The masculine given name Caleb has origins in the Hebrew, Arabic, and Assyrian languages, but the country of origin remains obscure.
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Caleb Wilkerson's birth name is Caleb A Wilkerson.
Caleb Roehrig's birth name is Michael Caleb Roehrig.
Caleb Knightley's birth name is Caleb Macdonald Knightley.
Caleb Eckstein's birth name is Caleb Joseph Eckstein.
Caleb Crusco's birth name is Caleb Alexander Crusco.
Ruth Caleb's birth name is Ruth Irene Caleb.
Caleb Thorne's birth name is Caleb Bill Thorne.
Caleb Pearson's birth name is Caleb Jordan Pearson.
Caleb Penrod's birth name is Caleb Ty Penrod.
Caleb Followill's birth name is Anthony Caleb Followill.
Caleb Ely's birth name is Caleb Daniel Ely.
Caleb Deschanel's birth name is Joseph Caleb Deschanel.