A cyclopes stole it to hang in front of his cave to lure satyrs to their death. The satyrs are attracted to the golden fleece because it radiates power of the nature god pan.
Jason was hubristic and manipulative. He used Medea to get the Fleece, but then abandoned her at her great expense. Unfortuntely, the gods were on Medea's side, even though they had been on Jason's originally, and he paid the price for this--his sons were killed (in some accounts by Medea, in others by angry townspeople) and he died an old man alone.
The leader died of plauge during the Pelopenisian War.
He was asleep under the stern of his ship, the Argo, and it fell on him because it was rotten and killed him instantly. This happened because he broke his vow to love Medea forever and lost favour with the gods.
died or became slaves
When Cleopatra died, Egypt became a Roman province.
King Pelias and Jason died
Jason was the hero with the Golden Fleece. He was sent forth by a king to retreive the Golden Fleece for him. In return the king was to give up his thrown to Jason. When Jason returned with the fleece the king was so outraged that he hadn't died that he would not give up his thrown. He tried to trick him into dying, but the kings son was in love ith Jason and gave him tips to stay alive.
Jason WAS his real name, just an Anglicized version of it. In Greek his name would have been Ἰάσων, which is pronounced HYAH-sohn.
Matthew Fleece died on September 2, 2004.
Jason was hubristic and manipulative. He used Medea to get the Fleece, but then abandoned her at her great expense. Unfortuntely, the gods were on Medea's side, even though they had been on Jason's originally, and he paid the price for this--his sons were killed (in some accounts by Medea, in others by angry townspeople) and he died an old man alone.
Jason Robertson died in 2003.
Jason Sears died in 2006.
Jason Altom died in 1998.
Jason Downer died in 1883.
Jason Massey died in 2001.
Jason Niles died in 1894.
Jay Jason died in 2001.