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The reasons for the Trojan war are:

1. Paris took Helen to Troy.

2. Helen was Menelaus' wife.

3. Menelaus loved his wife dearly.

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Q: What are the three reasons of war in Helen of Troy?
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What is Helen of troy blamed for?

Helen of Troy was blamed for stsarting the Trojan War.

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the Trojan war

What woman was blamed for the Trojan war?

Helen of Troy (AKA Helen of Sparta) .

Why did Greeks attack troy?

It is said that Paris of Troy "stole" Helen of Sparta. Paris fell in love with Helen and sneaked her on a Trojan ship. He also said that the goddess Aphrodite promised Helen to him. They wanted to bring Helen back to Greece. Other reasons are that they wanted to sack Troy for its good location and for spoils of war, and to regain the pride of Menelaus, after Paris dishonored him by taking Helen even though he was a guest in the household.

Which women was blamed for the Trojan War?

Helen of Troy

Who strated the Trojan war?

Paris and Helen of Troy.

Why is Sparta remembered?

Sparta is the birth place of Helen of Troy. The mythical war because of abduction of Helen led to destruction of Troy.

What country did the Trojan war start?

Greek kidnapped Helen of Troy, Troy attacked Greece. war ensued.

What was the cause of the Trojan war?

According to the Illiad, the Trojan war began when Paris of Troy took Helen, the wife of Menelaus the King of Sparta. Paris and Helen went to Troy. Menelaus, the husband of Helen sent armies to help him attack Troy to get Helen back.As well, Troy was an important city for trade, and the Greeks were looking for any excuse to go to war with it to gain wealth and control.

Where was Helen when the Trojan War was on?

Helen, the wife of King Menelaus of Sparta, was in Troy during the Trojan War where she had been taken by Paris, son of the King of Troy. It was to rescue her and punish the Trojans for taking her that the war started. Many historians agree with the biographer Plutarch (writing in 100AD) that Helen was in fact in Egypt during the Trojan War, as there are signs to that effect. Also if Helen had been in Troy, and Troy was faring so badly in the war, Helen would have been handed over for the sake of the city whether Paris consented or not.

What was a popular name at the time of the Trojan War?

Helen of Troy.

Who is the woman blamed for starting the trojan war?

Helen of Troy