It is divided into three subsections: the Elysian Fields, the Asphodel Meadows, and Tartarus. The Elysian Fields were for the good and heroic souls where they would be forever happy, similar to the Christian Heaven. Tartarus was where the evil and treacherous souls were sent to live out eternity in horrible punishment, similar to the Christian Hell. The Asphodel Meadows are for people who simply lived and did nothing amazing, but nothing bad enough to make them go to Tartarus.
Some common places in the underworld mentioned in mythology include the River Styx, Tartarus, Elysium, and the Fields of Asphodel.
The Big Three are:Zeus: The king of gods and lord of the sky.Poseidon: The god of the sea, and the creator of horses.Hades: The god of the Underworld, and riches found in the underworld.
If she ate anything, she would've had to stay in the underworld. This happened when she ate a pomegranate which had three seeds. Therefore, she would have to stay in the underworld for three seasons out of four.Once she ate the food of the underworld, she would be forced to stay there.
Cerberus is a three headed watchdog of the underworld. He had gnashing teeth and a spiky tail. It is known that Hades wished he had three hands so he can pet all three heads of Cerberus.
After Cronus was chopped into a thousand pieces and his remains were thrown into the deepest pits of Tartarus by Zeus, the three brothers Zeus, Posiden, and Hades picked from three sticks. Each stick had a level of the world written on it. Zeus, the youngest, got the sky. Posiden got the sea, and Hades, the oldest picked the Underworld. These were then their places of power forever.
Semira was the oldest out of the three elders in Underworld.
There were three judges of the underworld : Rhadamanthus, Minors, ands Aeacus.
The Underworld is associated with Hades.
Some common places in the underworld mentioned in mythology include the River Styx, Tartarus, Elysium, and the Fields of Asphodel.
The Big Three are:Zeus: The king of gods and lord of the sky.Poseidon: The god of the sea, and the creator of horses.Hades: The god of the Underworld, and riches found in the underworld.
If she ate anything, she would've had to stay in the underworld. This happened when she ate a pomegranate which had three seeds. Therefore, she would have to stay in the underworld for three seasons out of four.Once she ate the food of the underworld, she would be forced to stay there.
If she ate anything, she would've had to stay in the underworld. This happened when she ate a pomegranate which had three seeds. Therefore, she would have to stay in the underworld for three seasons out of four.Once she ate the food of the underworld, she would be forced to stay there.
the novel series of underworld does fellow the stories to the three films of underworld, but with the novel series, it show cases scences that arn't even in the film, the novel series go much deeper in depth with the stories, characters, places it's set in, then what the films show, all in all, the stories are fairy similer to the stories of the films, but not completely
If she ate anything, she would've had to stay in the underworld. This happened when she ate a pomegranate which had three seeds. Therefore, she would have to stay in the underworld for three seasons out of four.Once she ate the food of the underworld, she would be forced to stay there.
Cerberus had three heads naturally had three?
Below are three books about Hell/Underworld, gathered from many religions/mythologies.
First was Underworld, Then Underworld Evolution , and finally Underworld: Rise of the Lycans but in cronological order it goes Underworld: Rise of the Lycans, Underworld and then Underworld Evolution