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Hieroglyphics: Oldest and most complicated system used by priests and written on stone.

Hieratic: Simpler and could be written on papyrus (egyptian paper).

Demotic: Used for regular people for buisness and written on papyrus.

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Q: What are the differences between the three Egyptian writing systems?
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Did the Chinese use Egyptian style of writing?

No, There is no connection between the writing of Ancient Egypt and the writing of China.However, both systems have a similarity: they are both picture writing (also callled pictographic or logographic writing), where one symbol represents a whole word or idea instead of a sound.

Are the ancient Egyptian writing and hieroglyphics the same thing?

Not exactly. Not all Egyptian writing was hieroglyphic, and not all hieroglyphic writing was Egyptian. Hieroglyphics is a general term for picture-based writing systems, and the ancient Egyptians were not the only people to invent such a system. Ancient Mayan and Luwian (a language of Asia Minor) were also written using hieroglyphs (which looked very different from the Egyptian kind). At the same time, the ancient Egyptians had other writing systems. Hieratic, a form of cursive writing using ink on papyrus, existed alongside hieroglyphics from the very beginning. Another cursive form of writing, demotic, later developed from hieratic. Ultimately all of these writing systems were replaced by the Coptic alphabet, which was derived from the Greek alphabet.

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From what I understand, they are very different - the Egyptian hieroglyphics were actual pictures that represented emotion, or a physical thing. An eagle represented the bird, but also flying. The cuneiform technique was created by pressing a tool into clay to create symbols. so I would say that the Egyptians were more advanced at that time. Great question. Anyone else know?

What Egyptian writing system was used?

There have been five different writing systems in Egypt at different periods since earliest times:HieroglyphsHieratic scriptDemotic scriptCoptic scriptArabic

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What are two different Egyptian writing systems?

The first one is the own system of writing is called HIEROGLYPHICS!! And scribes painstakingly carved the HIEROGLYPHICS onto the walls of caves.......and they used papyrus as paper!

Is Egyptian writing a form of cuneiform?

They are the same thing because Egyptian writing involves signs and symbols.

What is Egyptian picture writing?

Egyptian picture writing is also known as hieroglyphics. Hieroglyphics is one of the earliest forms of writing in human history.

Has there been any changes in Egyptian writing?

No i think that Egyptian writing is the same now as it ever was a pack of phescees..

Which theme do both Medicine Grizzlybear Lake and Zikala and ndashSa develop in their writing?

Answer this question… Educational systems often ignore cultural differences.