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Such places were largely determined by loyal lore and legend. Often you find sacred places marked by temples or other ancient monuments.

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Q: What are some of the greek gods sacred places?
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What are the sacred objects for the major Greek gods?

Some sacred objects for the major Greek gods include Zeus's thunderbolt, Poseidon's trident, Athena's owl, and Apollo's lyre. These objects are often associated with specific powers or attributes of the gods.

What are some greek customs in The Iliad?

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How do the Greek gods conceal themselves?

The Greek gods typically turned into things having to do with nature - mist, mountains, trees, rivers - as the Greek gods and goddesses were born of nature (Gaea: Earth), but they could also become animals such as cows, deer, horses - which they were in some way connected with, or which were sacred to them.

Who were the Greek gods and goddesses?

Here are some of the Greek gods and goddesses (feel free to add to this list):ZeusPoseidonHadesHeraAthenaHestiaArtemisAresHermesKronosDemeterPersephoneAphrodite

Where is the most important place for a Hindu to worship?

Important places for hindus are mainly temples. Places where Hindu gods did some amazing miracle are also important for hindus. These places are known as chardham.

Does Ares the Greek god have a constellation?

No, there is no constellation specifically associated with Ares in Greek mythology. However, there is a constellation called "Aries" which represents the ram, a symbolic animal linked to Ares in some myths.

Are tigers worshipped by people as gods?

In some cultures, tigers are revered and considered sacred animals, but they are not typically worshipped as gods. Tigers may hold spiritual significance or symbolize power and strength in certain belief systems, but they are not deities themselves.

Why were there gods and goddesses?

to explain natural events to the people of egypt, Greece, Rome, and other places that have mythology. Some people believe that the stories are true, some don't. It's your choice to believe it or not. :)

What are some powers that the Greek gods didn't have?

There aren't any powers the Greek gods could not have called upon in myth.

What are some Greek names of Greek gods?

Some primordial gods in upper case Greek. ΧΑΟΣ, ΟΥΡΑΝΟΣ, ΝΥΞ, ΗΜΕΡΑ , ΕΡΩΣ, ΕΡΕΒΟΣ, ΝΕΜΕΣΙΣ, ΕΡΙΣ, ΥΠΝΟΣ, ΑΠΑΤΗ

are the greek gods and goddessn real?

Yes they are because the Greeks are still there. Well some people who have Greek in them still believe in them and I know for a fact that the Greek Gods are real.

Do the archangels and greek gods have something in common?

Angel means "messenger", and some gods and goddesses of Greek myth were depicted with wings.