As a queen there were several important events in Cleo's life. Some of them are the ascending to the throne (both times), personal diplomacy with Caesar and Antony, the Donations of Alexandria, Actium and her death.
One important event in Cleopatra's life was when she became queen and was made co-ruler with her then brother/husband, Ptolemy XIII. Certainly another important event was when she lost the country and committed suicide.
she was told to watch a motor bike by percy jackson and so she through a strawberry at him
Aristotle was famous for the Camera Obscura between (322-384). He also spent time with Alexander the Great as his pupil.
The most important event in the life of St. Agnes was the day she preferred to die rather than renounce her faith in God or surrender her virginity. For this act of heroism she was martyred and became an instant saint.
Saint Agnes spent her short life in or around Rome.
Yes, Saint Clare's sister, Saint Agnes of Assisi, was also declared a saint by the Catholic Church. Saint Agnes is known for her devotion to a life of poverty and humility.
what were important events in A vi's life
One of the important events of Fred's life was him winning the Australian of the year award in 1990.
The main events in Pauls life are the conversion on the road to Damascus, The ship wreck, starting the first church, The imprisinment.
Agnes Hunt has written: 'This is my life'
Well there is not much know about Saint Anne. although she did give birth to Mary. I would definitely classify that as a pretty significant event. another important event is when the angel came and told her she would have Mary.
did Adolf Hitler have any major events in his life
There are a number of saints named James. Please be specific.