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Q: What are some examples of agriculture in classical china?
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What type of music is not classical?

Simply, non-classical music! Some examples would be Rock, Swing, Country, etc.

What type of technology is used in agriculture?

some examples of technology used in agriculture is plows,tractors,cattle...etc.

What are examples of agricultuure?

Agriculture is taking natural resources from the earth. Some examples are mining, fishing and farming.

What has the author John Lossing Buck written?

John Lossing Buck has written: 'Food and agriculture in Communist China' 'Land utilization in China, statistics' -- subject(s): Agriculture, Economic aspects of Agriculture, Food supply 'An economic and social survey of 102 farms near Wuhu, Anhwei, China, part 2' -- subject(s): Agriculture, Anhwei (Province), China, Economic aspects of Agriculture 'Land utilization in China' -- subject(s): Agriculture, Economic aspects, Economic aspects of Agriculture, Farms, Food supply, History, Maps, Rural Land use, Statistics 'Some basic agricultural problems of China' -- subject(s): Agriculture

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most technologies in China are powered by large forces of child labor

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People's Republic of China

How do classical empires differ from the early agriculture civilization?

The early agriculural civilizations had just about everyone helping farm or contribute in some way to agriculture. Classical empires had enough people and land so that food could be mass produced and others could become artisans or government officials because they didnt have to work on farms.

What are some well known ballets?

Some examples of well known classical ballets are The Nutcracker, Swan Lake, Sleeping Beauty and Romeo and Juliet.

What are some examples for stone landmarks that begin with the letter C?

The Chinese Wall in China

What are some examples pf non metalic minerals?

Some examples of non-metallic minerals are quartz, limestone, gypsum, clay, and mica. These minerals are used in various industries such as construction, ceramics, and agriculture.

What were some of the things that improved the quality of life in China and japan?

Some of the things that improved the quality of life in china and japan during the 1600s and 1700s was their literature, art, pottery, plays. They also had new fertilizer and they had some agriculture improvements.