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Q: What are some ancient Egyptian weaknesses?
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What were some Ancient Egyptian movements?

there were no anient Egyptian movements

What are some examples of ancient Egyptian dog names?

Some examples of ancient Egyptian dog names are Abu, Anubis, Bastet, and Khufu.

What are some Ancient Egyptian patterns?

Gods, Animals and many other things.

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What are some ancient Egyptian myths?

Their God is Galremeo?

What are some websites about pyramids?

ancient Egyptian pyramids.ccom

What were some ancient Egyptian resources?

GoldTurquoiseCopperNatronWhite LimestoneLimestoneGranite

What are some ancient Egyptian animals?

Spinx, moggy

What were some weaknesses that ancient Greece had?

The people from ancient Greece were known for their height, or lack of. They were a particularly short people.

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What are some Ancient Egyptian slave names?

1. juantos

Why do some Ancient Egyptian women look Asian?

They are Arab!