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The war was between Greece and Troy.

Greece won the war

the war lasted 10 years

The war was between most of the Greeks and the Trojan. It all began when Eris, the goddess of Discord threw an apple that said "To The Fairest" to Hera, Athena and Aphrodite. All three thought that they deserved the apple. None of the other Gods wanted to choose because if they did, they will feel the wrath of the other two.

The conflict took them to Hermes which then he led them to Paris, the prince of Troy. They tried several things and then even appeared naked, but he still couldn't decide. Finally they offered him brides. He finally chose Aphrodite because she said if he chooses her, she will offer him the most beautiful woman in the world, including Helen of Sparta.

So now here is where the actual war starts, Paris soon fell in love with Helen, so he abducted her and they set for Troy. The thing is that Helen was already married, her husband Menelaus was away but when he came back and found out that Helen was captured,he demanded for her return.Sadly, the Trojan refused. After that, Menelaus persuaded his brother to lead an army against Troy.

Menelaus' brother's army built a hollow wooden horse; they took it to the Trojan's city walls. The Trojans thought that it was a trophy for them so they brought the horse in the city but they didn't know that there were men inside the horse, waiting for the right moment to attack.

At night when the Trojans were sleeping, the men crawled out the horse and opened the city gates for the rest of the army, the Trojans were destroyed. The war lasted for ten long years. It started around the 1200s BC and the 1300s BC.

Interesting fact: The Gods took great interest in the war. Poseidon, Athena and Hera aided the Greeks, while Aphrodite and Ares favored the Trojans.

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