

Best Answer

The Ziggurat of Ur is the first proper Ziggurat for which we have any evidence. However, There are raised pyramidal structures that preceded it like Tepe Sialk in Persia, but these are not proper ziggurats.

See the link below to learn more about Tepe Sialk.

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Q: Was the ziggurat of ur the first ziggurat?
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Who built the first Ziggurat at UR?

The first Ziggurat at Ur was built by King Ur-Nammu, a ruler of the ancient city-state of Ur in Mesopotamia around 2100 BC. He constructed the Great Ziggurat of Ur as a temple dedicated to the moon god Nanna.

When was the ziggurat of Ur built?

The Ziggurat of Ur was built in, 2100 b.c.

What was the most famous Ziggurat?

The Ziggurat at Ur is probably the most famous, but the Ziggurat at Teppe Sialk is also rather famous.

Which king who ordered the ziggurat at Ur to be built?

Ur-Nammu was the king that ordered the ziggurat at Ur to be built.

Who excavated the ziggurat at UR and when?

The ziggurat at Ur was excavated by Sir Leonard Woolley in the 1920s. Woolley's excavation revealed the remains of the ancient Sumerian city of Ur, including the ziggurat dedicated to the moon god Nanna.

How many steps are to the ziggurat in ur?

The Ziggurat of Ur in Iraq has three levels, each with a staircase leading to the next. The total number of steps in the ziggurat is estimated to be around 100.

Where was the most well known ziggurat located in Sumer.?

Great Ziggurat of Ur

Who built the ziggurat of mesapotamia?

There is no single "Ziggurat of Mesopotamia", a Ziggurat is the name for a type of structure built first by the Sumerians, but also by the Elamites, Akkadians, Babylonians and Assyrians as part of temple complexes dedicated to their local religions. The most famous may be the "Great Ziggurat of Ur" was built by King Ur-Nammu in about the 21st century BC

Who invented the ziggurat?

The first Ziggurat was make by Nebbacanezer II in about 2000 B.C.

Where was the most well-known ziggurat located in sumer?

Great Ziggurat of Ur

How long did it take to build the ziggurat of Ur?

It took 5 years to build the Ziggurat

Who was Leonard Woolley?

He explores the ziggurat of Ur.