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Cleopatra was never in any triumvirate. First of all, triumvirate means "three men". A woman, even a queen would not fit in. Second, there were not three triumvirates, there were only two. Marc Antony was only in the second triumvirate.

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Q: Was Mark Antony and Cleopatra in all 3 triumvirate?
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Why were the Egyptians mad at Cleopatra for marrying Marc Antony?

The Egyptians were not mad at Cleopatra for "marrying" Mark Antony, in fact they were all for it. Mark Antony was very popular in Egypt. His popularity was one of the factors concerned in their sham marriage.

Did Marc Antony take part in all the Triumvirate?

No, Marc Antony did not take part in both triumvirates. The first triumvirate was composed of Caesar, Crassus and Pompey. The second triumvirate, of which he was a part, was composed of Lepidus, Antony and Octavian.

How many kids did Cleopatra have all together?

Cleopatra had 4 kids, Caesarion, son of Cleopatra and Julius Caesar, Alexander Helios(the sun) Cleopatra Selene(the moon) and Ptolemy Philadelphus with Mark Antony.

How did Cleopatra and Mark Antony meet?

Cleopatra and Marc Antony probably were at least introduced to each other while Cleopatra was in Rome staying at Caesar's villa. Caesar was dictator at the time, and Antony was Master of the Horse, his second in command, so its very likely that Antony attended one of Cleopatra's receptions at that time. However the big meeting that gets all the historical comment was at Tarsus in 41 BC. That's when Cleopatra made her grand entrance up the river on her royal barge with all the bling. That was the time that Cleopatra decided to get Antony for her new Roman protector.

Did Cleopatra have a son?

Yes she did, she had one to Julius Caesar, and one twin boy to Mark Antony, also a second son with Antony. All together she had three sons.

Related questions

Why were the Egyptians mad at Cleopatra for marrying Marc Antony?

The Egyptians were not mad at Cleopatra for "marrying" Mark Antony, in fact they were all for it. Mark Antony was very popular in Egypt. His popularity was one of the factors concerned in their sham marriage.

What are the members of the 2cd triumvirate?

In ancient Rome, there were only ever two triumvirates, never a third.Yes, there were. The other member is Crassus.A new Roman Republic was declared in 1849.Three men held power in a triumvirate. They were : Carlo Armellini, Giuseppe Mazzini and Aurelio Saffi.

Did Marc Antony take part in all the Triumvirate?

No, Marc Antony did not take part in both triumvirates. The first triumvirate was composed of Caesar, Crassus and Pompey. The second triumvirate, of which he was a part, was composed of Lepidus, Antony and Octavian.

How did Augustus become emperor?

After the assassination of Julius Caesar Rome broke into civil war with Octavian leading one faction, and Anthony leading the other. Eventually Octavian defeated Anthony and declared himself Emperor under the name Augustus Caesar. __________________________________________________________________ Mark Antony, Octavian, and Lepidus formed the Second Triumvirate. Mark Antony marries Octavian's sister, Octavia. He plans to take over all of Rome and leave Octavian in the dust (or dead). Mark Antony, a party type, goes off to Egypt. There, he falls in love with the Pharaoh, Cleopatra. They have an affair, and Octavian uses this as a tactic to turn the public against Mark Antony (the Romans hate Cleopatra). Using this gossip, he convinces the people that Mark Antony has been "put under a spell" by Cleopatra, and uses this as an excuse to start a war against him. At the Battle of Action (A naval battle), Mark Antony and Cleopatra's forces are defeated, and they both commit suicide. Octavian takes power, and rechristens himself Caesar Augustus.

What is the impact on mark Antony because of Cleopatra?

Cleopatra was the one to get the blame for Antony's debauchery, although Antony lived a wild life before he met her. However her influence and Antony's response played right into Octavian's hands. In the propaganda war, Octavian brought out the "unRoman" actions of Antony and which were encouraged by Cleopatra. It all ended in their double suicide after Octavian entered Alexandria.

Who wrote All for Love a play about the romance of Antony and Cleopatra?

Dryden adapted Antony and Cleopatra as All for Love.

How many kids did Cleopatra have all together?

Cleopatra had 4 kids, Caesarion, son of Cleopatra and Julius Caesar, Alexander Helios(the sun) Cleopatra Selene(the moon) and Ptolemy Philadelphus with Mark Antony.

How did Cleopatra and Mark Antony meet?

Cleopatra and Marc Antony probably were at least introduced to each other while Cleopatra was in Rome staying at Caesar's villa. Caesar was dictator at the time, and Antony was Master of the Horse, his second in command, so its very likely that Antony attended one of Cleopatra's receptions at that time. However the big meeting that gets all the historical comment was at Tarsus in 41 BC. That's when Cleopatra made her grand entrance up the river on her royal barge with all the bling. That was the time that Cleopatra decided to get Antony for her new Roman protector.

Did Cleopatra have a son?

Yes she did, she had one to Julius Caesar, and one twin boy to Mark Antony, also a second son with Antony. All together she had three sons.

What conflict did Augustus have with mark Antony and Cleopatra?

Augustus had a power struggle with Mark Antony and Cleopatra, who were his rivals in the Roman Republic. This conflict culminated in the Battle of Actium in 31 BC, where Augustus defeated Antony and Cleopatra, leading to their suicides and solidifying Augustus's control over the Roman Empire.

Did the people in roman like Cleopatra as queen?

No, not at all!! the romans hated Cleopatra and often depicted her as an evil siren that lures powerful men to their fall. (aka Julius Caeser and Mark Antony)

How did Cleopatra became part of Mark Antony's life?

She met him when she visited Rome all because of her father. He then was invited to live in the royal Ptolemy palace.