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No, Demeter was the goddess of the harvest and the mother of Persephone.She was also Zeus' sister.

The most prominent festival worshipping her in Ancient Athens was the Elusian Mysteries where the reinactment of Persephone's Descent is played out as well as her return in order to recieve good harvest (and lots of children) from Demeter the follow year.

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Q: Was Demeter a Titan
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How Was Demeter Conceived?

Demeter was a goddess, born of the Titan goddess Rhea and the god Kronos.

How was Demeter born or created?

Demeter is the daughter of Titan gods Rhea and Cronus, born of their union.

How did the Greek goddess Demeter obtain her powers?

Demeter was born a goddess from Titan parents Rhea and Cronus.

Who was the goddess Demeter's mother?

In Greek mythology, Demeter was the daughter of Rhea, a Titan and the sister/wife of Chronos.

How Did Demeter get Powers?

Demeter was born from the Titan gods Rhea and Cronus, she was born a Greek goddess, and so always had her "powers".

When did the greek god Demeter become a goddess?

In Greek myth Demeter was born a goddess from Titan god parents Cronus and Rhea.

Who is Demeter mother and father?

Demeter's mother and father were Cronus and Rhea.

WHo is Demeters Father?

Demeter's father was Cronus, a Titan; that is, one of the sons of Gaia (Earth) and Uranus (Heaven). Her mother was Rhea, the mother of the Olympian gods, and the wife and sister of Cronus.

What were the three generations of greek god?

Gaea (Primordial) Rhea (Titan) Demeter (Olympian).

Cronus was the god of?

Cronus is not a god but a titan and father the the 6 original Olympians (who were Hestia, Hades, Demeter, Poseidon, Hera , and Zeus) Cronus was the titan of time.

What are the power of Demeter?

The parents of Demeter were the Titan gods Rhea and Cronus. Cronus is the Titan god of time and ages, especially when these are regarded as destructive - such as when Cronus swallowed his children. Rhea is the goddess of mountain wilds and ease and "flow"; a goddess of female fertility, motherhood, and generation.

Who was Demeter's father?

Demeter's father was Cronus, a Titan; that is, one of the sons of Gaia (Earth) and Uranus (Heaven). Her mother was Rhea, the mother of the Olympian gods, and the wife and sister of Cronus.