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Gymnos means 'naked'

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Q: The word gymnasium comes from the Greek word gymnos which means what?
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Related questions

Where did the word gymnasium originate from?

It came from the Greek word gymnasion which was a place for exercising. The root word gymnos means "naked."

Where did the word gymnasim come from?

The Greek word gymnos means "naked", so literally a gymnasium is a place where people are naked, even though we wear uniforms or gym clothes today

What does Gymnos in Greek mean?

γυμνός (gymnos) means someone who doesn't wear clothes, in English "naked"

Why is a gymnasium called a gymnasium?

A gymnasium, or gym for short, is a place to exercise. In Ancient Greece, a gymnasium was a training ground for men to exercise physically as well as to socialize and exercise their minds by engaging in philosophical discussion. When men would exercise in Ancient Greece, they would do so naked to honor the Gods for creating man's body. The Greek adjective for "naked" is "gymnos". The Greek verb gymnazien means "to exercise". When Latin and English developed, they took the Greek roots and came up with "gymnasion", which eventually became the modern English "gymnasium".

What does gymnasium mean in greek?

Gymnasium,which we call in English means ''naked'' in Greek.

Were did the word gymnastics come from?

Gymnastics came from the greek word "Gymnos" which means naked

Was gymnastics invented by the ancient Greece people?

Yes, because the word gymnastics comes from the Greek word "gymnos" which means naked. In Ancient Greece, male athletes competed in gymnastics completely nude. I don't know

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The Greek word monk means what?

Monk comes from the Greek word, monakhos, which means "solitary."

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