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Q: The most famous ancient Greek philosopher to write about the nature of tragedy was?
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Which ancient philosopher brought us a dialog called The Republic?

The ancient philosopher who brought us the dialog "The Republic" is Plato. In this work, Plato explores the nature of justice, the ideal city-state, and the role of philosopher-kings in society.

What is the name of a scholar who works to understand the nature of life?

A Philosopher.

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When Angelou referred to the ancient tragedy being replayed, she meant that historical events of suffering, oppression, and injustice were being repeated in the current period. Through this comparison, she highlighted the cyclical nature of human experiences and the importance of learning from the past to create a better future.

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A tragedy is someone's downfall brought on by their own good nature.

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The Apollonian side of human nature as opposed to Dionysian side .The Apollonian element in human nature drives toward form and order whereas the Dionysian element drives toward the uncontrolled orgiastic side. Fredrick Nietzsche, the German philosopher wrote a book called The Birth Of Tragedy, in this book he talked of these elements, he believed that they manifested in ancient Greek theatre

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Rene Descarte and john Locke were the enlightenment philosopher who was known for his writing on the nature of existence.

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The Symposium was written by the ancient Greek philosopher Plato. It is a dialogue that discusses the nature of love and features various characters giving speeches on the topic.

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The basic theory about the nature of matter was provided by the ancient Greek philosopher Democritus, who proposed that all matter is composed of indivisible particles called atoms.

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Laozi, an ancient Chinese philosopher, is known for teaching people how to live in harmony with nature through his teachings in Taoism. His work, the Tao Te Ching, emphasizes the importance of embracing simplicity, balance, and spontaneity in order to align with the natural order of the universe.

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Han Fei (or Han Feizi) is the Chinese philosopher who taught that the nature of man is evil.

What is a name of a scholar who works to understand the nature of life?

The correct answer is a Philosopher . A Philosopher is someone who seeks love, therefore they can understand the nature of life. I hope I helped you!

Is racism a global problem?

It is the tragedy of human nature.