venus the roman god was the god of love and beauty. she is also known as aphrodite in greek. she was foam born.
Aphrodite is the Greek Goddess of Love, Beauty and sexuality. Her Roman equivalent is Venus. Hephaestus on the other hand is the Greek god for metal smith and technology. He is also know as the lame god. His Roman counterpart is called Vulcan.
The goddess, Terra, was the Roman goddess of personifying the earth. In Greek Mythology, she is also known as Gaea, or Mother Earth. She is the oldest Greek Goddess, and is the mother of the Titans, and the Giants.
Aphrodite was the Greek Goddess of Love and Fertility. She was known to have married Hephaestus though she prefers the God of War, Ares. She is known to also be the mother of Eros (cupid).
The Erinnyes Three sisters were the Greek goddesses of vengeance, Alecto, Tisiphone and Megara. They were the daughters of Gaia, came from the blood of the castrated Uranus. Their Roman name was the Furies.
Greek: Aphrodite (ahf-roh-DY-tee) Roman: Venus
AphroditeAphrodite is the Greek goddess of love and beauty. Aphrodite is the Greek equivalent of the Roman goddess Venus.AphroditeAphrodite is the Greek goddess of love. Aphrodite was also known by other names such as Cytherea and Cypris.
The Roman Goddess of love is Venus (Aphrodite in Greek mythology), her son Cupid (Eros in Greek mythology) is a minor Roman God of love.
In Greek mythology, Aphrodite is the Goddess of Love, also known as Venus in Roman mythology.
Venus, also known to the Greeks as Aphrodite.
Aphrodite_and_Venus">Aphrodite and VenusAphrodite and Venus was the same godess. Aphrodite was the Greek name for the godess of love, Venus was the Latin one.
venus the roman god was the god of love and beauty. she is also known as aphrodite in greek. she was foam born.
venus the roman god was the god of love and beauty. she is also known as aphrodite in greek. she was foam born.
aphrodite, also known as venus in roman
The word Venus came from a roman god or godessVenus was the Roman goddess of love.It is also the name of the planet second closest to the sun. It is located between our Earth and Mercury.
Aphrodite is the Greek Goddess of Love, Beauty and sexuality. Her Roman equivalent is Venus. Hephaestus on the other hand is the Greek god for metal smith and technology. He is also know as the lame god. His Roman counterpart is called Vulcan.
well the answer to your question is the same as the greek name which she is the goddess of love, but her name also means foam. venus is her roman name