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Around the littorals of the Mediterranean and Black Seas, from today's Spain to today's Ukraine. There were no countries as we would call them today - peoples and tribes only. The over-prolific Greeks could not sustain their growing populations sent out their surplus people by sea to seize land and establish new city-states, establishing over 2,000.

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Q: The Greeks set up cities on the coasts of what countries?
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Where was Aphrodite's oracle or favorite city?

Her favorite cities were Corinth and Athens, also the Island of Cythera, where she may have first set her foot on land. Oracles? No.

Why did king Darius become angry with the Greeks?

When the Ionian Greek cities in Asia Minor revolted, he put down the revolt in a 7 year operation, and installed local Greek tyrants to keep them under control. The revolt was supported from mainland Greece by Eretria and Athens who sent contingents to help. These were involved in an expedition which burnt down the Persian provincial capital Sardis, and destroyed the gods in the city. Persia resolved to punish this and sent an amphibious force to capture them and install locals as tyrants, again to keep them quiet in the future. When this expedition was defeated at Marathon, the Persian king decided to get control of mainland Greece to keep them all quiet. This was done by gaining control of the cities in central Greece by bribery, then a major expedition was mounted to capture the southern cities. This invasion failed at the battles of Salamis, Plataia and Mycale. The fighting went on for a further 20 years, until the Persians got tired of this and agreed to leave the Greeks alone to continue their usual fighting amongst each other. So after 50 years of warfare, neither Greeks nor Persians had any love for each other.

Why did the Greeks defeat Xerxes?

Xerxes was disturbed by the interference of the Greek city-states of mainland Greece who supported revolts by Greek cities within his empire. He bribed some cities in Central Greece ti fall into line, but the Southern city-stated refused, so he set out to subdue them and install friendly governments in them, and install a Persian governor to supervise them. This invasion was at first successful, getting as far as Athens, but his fleet was defeated by a combined Greek fleet at Salamis in 480 BCE. Elimination of the Persian fleet, which was the first strategy of the Greek alliance, took away the Persian amphibious threat to the Greek cities which had kept their armies at home to defend against this. The Persians were able to pick the cities off one by one. So the cities were now abled to send their armies out to join up and defeat the Persian army the following spring at Plataia, while their fleet finished off the Persian fleet at Mycale in Asia Minor where the remnant was holed up. Another effect of the naval victory at Salamis had been that the Persian fleet could no longer protect the Persian supply fleet which sustained the army, and half the Persian army had to go home, which gave the Greek army an edge against the reduced Persian army and it's Greek allies at the deciding battle at Plataia in 479 BCE. With the Persian main forces defeated, the invasion was over, and the war moved on to isolated engagements in the eastern Mediterranean over the next 30 years, until the Persians gave up and left the Greeks to go back to their usual fighting amongst each other.

Why did Sparta not welcome visitors from other cities or allow their citizens to travel?

Because Sparta was very ancient. They would believe the gods would get angry with them and stop with there services. The Spartans were very mush set-in-their-ways and traditions and did not favor change.

What seemed to be the best way for Greeks to make certain to be assigned to the Elysian fields?

In Greek mythology, the Elysian Fields were considered a paradise reserved for the righteous and heroic individuals after death. To ensure they would be assigned to the Elysian Fields, Greeks believed in leading a virtuous life, displaying acts of heroism, and following the moral and ethical codes set by the gods. Additionally, participating in rituals, ceremonies, and offerings to honor the gods and seek their favor was also believed to increase one's chances of being granted access to the Elysian Fields.

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Did the Greeks have government?

And yes, the Greeks did have a government that set outline of our government.

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'Many European set up trading posts along the coasts.' The prepositional phrase is modifying the verb 'set up'. It's an adverbial phrase.

When were catapults first invented?

The catapult was invented by the Greeks so they could destroy the other cities and the people with it. It was originally made to launch objects like stones and smaller things which were set on fire but over time, they were able to launch objects like boulders

When did prime numbers first come into light?

They were known, at least, to the Ancient Greeks - perhaps earlier. I believe it was one of the Ancient Greeks who proved that the set of prime numbers was infinite (or "larger than any given set", or that there was no last prime number).They were known, at least, to the Ancient Greeks - perhaps earlier. I believe it was one of the Ancient Greeks who proved that the set of prime numbers was infinite (or "larger than any given set", or that there was no last prime number).They were known, at least, to the Ancient Greeks - perhaps earlier. I believe it was one of the Ancient Greeks who proved that the set of prime numbers was infinite (or "larger than any given set", or that there was no last prime number).They were known, at least, to the Ancient Greeks - perhaps earlier. I believe it was one of the Ancient Greeks who proved that the set of prime numbers was infinite (or "larger than any given set", or that there was no last prime number).

Where did the Greeks set up those colonies and why?


Why did Greeks set up colony's?

They were great breeders (no TV then to watch). Even their constant wars could not keep the populations of their city-states down. As the land in mainland Greece was mostly poor and their farms were small, it was not possible to split a subsistence farm up amongst several surviving sons. These therefore became non-propertied, low class and a disruptive element in the community. The solution was to load them in a ship and send them off to other locations around the Mediterranean and Black Sea coasts, there to seize land, set up new cities, and become part of the propertied class in the new location. Thus the Greeks spread right around the two seas.

Where is the most rapid urbanization in Eurasia happening?

The areas of Eurasia in which the most rapid urbanization occurring are along the coasts and some rivers. The countries with the most rapid urbanization occurring are:China and Hong Kong. Set to grow 7.3 percent in 2014, China and Hong Kong is the most rapidly growing market in EY's recent report.Kazakhstan. Kazakhstan is set to grow 6.3 percent in 2014 as its economy leaps forward from 2013's 5.5 percent real GDP growth.

Which three countries set up colonies in North America?

In eastern North America, the Dutch, English and the French governments had established colonies in the eastern coasts of North America. This answer excludes Spanish colonies in eastern Mexico.

In what areas of Eurasia is the most rapid urbanization occurring?

The areas of Eurasia in which the most rapid urbanization occurring are along the coasts and some rivers. The countries with the most rapid urbanization occurring are:China and Hong Kong. Set to grow 7.3 percent in 2014, China and Hong Kong is the most rapidly growing market in EY's recent report.Kazakhstan. Kazakhstan is set to grow 6.3 percent in 2014 as its economy leaps forward from 2013's 5.5 percent real GDP growth.

What contributions to the development tradition can not be attributed to the Greeks?

Realistic, elaborate set designs.

How many states and cities are there in a country?

It is variable. There is no set number of states or cities within a country.

How did geography effect Mali?

The Mediterranean sea made the African kingdoms set up near coasts to trade with Europe and other continents.