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Q: Speech of different god and goddesses?
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Related questions

Is god and goddesses real?

god is but there are no goddesses :(

How is calypso different from the other goddesses?

Calypso was different because she was a nymph not a god or goddess.

What were the Egyptian gods and goddesses of?

Each god and goddess was "ruler" over something different!

How the gods and goddesses were different from ordinary people?

They are different because they have different powers. Example : Athena goddess of war, battle strategies and wisdom and Pan god of nature and wildlife. They are both very different but they are both gods and goddesses!

What was europa gods or goddesses?

They god and goddesses are people that i dont kno!

What made the Egyptian God Aton so different from most of the other gods and goddesses?

Aton was different because he was the god of monotheistic gods when Egyptian belief was all about many gods and monotheism is one god

Who are the god's and goddesses of ifugao?

give the complete list of the gods and goddesses of the ifugaos

Is Prometheus a god or goddesses?

A god. Although, he is technically a Titan.

Which Hindu goddesses is considered as the goddess of speech and learning?


How did greek gods and goddesses become gods and goddesses?

It's impossible for a mortal to become a God

How old is greek god Demeter?

The Greek god and goddesses are ageless.

Is there a god of love or only goddesses?

Cupid was considered a god of love.