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Do an internet search for the Patron Saint Index. It lists, by alphabetical order, nearly all the saints.

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Q: Is there a list of saints canonized before 1900?
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Where can you find a list of all major and minor Greek gods?

Wikipedia has a good list, its not complete, but its good.

What is a list of a metaphor from heracules?

Strongman, son of zeus

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What country did Saint Catherine of Alexandria come from?

She was born in Alexandria.AnswerHer "Acts" do not list a country, but if she is "of Alexandria" then we can be pretty sure that she was from Egypt. She was martyred by the emperor, so she would have ended her life at Rome. AnswerAlexandria, Egypt, where her father was the pagan Roman governor. In 1969 she was removed from the church calendar as there was little information to prove her existence and her heroic virtues. A popular movie adds to the ambience of the legend by claiming to be based on Catherine's own diary. Catholic Answer:Yes, the major part of the hagiographies of Catherine were pure legend. In fact, Catherine was one of the saints to get the axe in the great purge of 1969 by the Vatican. Also included were such saints as Valentine of Rome, Christopher, Ursula, Dorothy and a number of others. All were removed from the Calendar of Saints. This was not a denial of the existence of these people but a recognition that so much of what was written about them was just not factual and not enough true information existed to allow continued universal veneration.However, Catherine was returned to the Calendar by Pope John Paul II in 2002. 1700 years after the death of Catherine a diary was discovered in Ethiopia written by Catherine ('Jabal Ekatherina') herself shorty before her execution and the true story began to unfold.Work began on a movie based on this diary in 2010 and the film is scheduled to be released in late December 2013 in Britain and elsewhere in 2014. It stars Nicole Madjarov, Peter O'Toole, Steven Berkoff, William Houston, Joss Ackland, Samantha Beckinsale, Vas Anderson, Clive Fryde, Tony O'Brien.

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Which popes have been canonized?

There have been about 80 popes who are considered as saints. Some of these were declared saints in the early Church before the canonization process existed. Others are in various stages of canonization. See the complete list of popes and you will find all the popes who are saints, canonized saints and candidates for sainthood.

Does a Saint Erica exist?

I can find no St. Erica in the list of canonized saints. The name is probably derived from the name Eric and there are several saints by that name.

Who has Pope Francis canonized?

He has canonized over 800 new saints. On May 12, 2013, Pope Francis canonized 813 Martyrs from the Italian city of Otranto, along with two Latin American religious Foundresses, Mother Laura Montoya e Upegui - the first Colombian saint - and Mother Maria Guadalupe Garcia Zavala, from Mexico. For a complete list of all saints canonized by Pope Francis click here.

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John Paul II beatified 1,340 people and canonized 483 saints - far too many to list here.

How many French saints are there?

There are many French saints, with estimates ranging from hundreds to thousands. France has a rich history of Christian saints who have been canonized for their piety, miracles, martyrdom, or other virtuous deeds. Some of the most well-known French saints include St. Joan of Arc, St. Therese of Lisieux, and St. Bernadette Soubirous.

What are some saints starting with E?

For a long list of saints whose names start with the letter E go to the Patron Saint Index by clicking this link.

How many saints are in the Catholic church?

Answer: Although no official list of canonized saints in the Catholic Church exists, it would be safe to assume that there are roughly 10,000 officially canonized saints. Because of the nature of canonization, which includes rigorous investigation into the deceased's life and the evidence needed for two miracles, it would not be wrong to say that the 10,000 number is on the low side of the actual amount.

Who are the canonized saints?

Canonized saints are individuals recognized by the Catholic Church as having lived lives of heroic virtue and are believed to be in heaven. They are officially declared as saints through the canonization process, which involves thorough investigation and confirmation of miracles attributed to their intercession. Canonized saints serve as role models for Catholics and are venerated for their example of holiness.

Is there a list of patron saints?

Click on this link for a fairly comprehensive list of patron saints.

Where can you find a list of saints in order to pray to the right one for a miracle?

For a list of saints and their patronages see the Patron Saints Index.

Where is there a list of saints?

Click on the link below to the Patron Saint Index for a list of many of the saints.

Who are all the Catholic saints?

There are well over 10,000 named saints and impossible to list here. For a list on many of these saints click on this link.