"Primus" is not a greek word, it is latin. The correspodent word in Greek is "πρώτος" (protos).
The Latin word for a hexagon is "hexagnum." The Latin word is derived from the Greek word "hexagnos," and they all mean "something with six angles."
greek and Medieval latin
It has a Latin etymology, but is also of French origin.
This is a product otherwise known as rock salt. The Greek word is 'Hals'. The Latin word is 'Halites'
you use the word demote in a sentence like this: I will demote you from being the teacher.
is heptathalon a greek or latin word
The original word was the Latin monarcha, which evolved into the Greek word monárchēs. Therefore, it does have origins in both Latin and Greek.
Greek word- Plathelminthes. Latin word-cestus
The root word "dorm" is Latin. It comes from the Latin word "dormire," which means "to sleep."
"Fract" is a Latin root word, derived from the Latin verb "frangere" meaning "to break."
The word legend has a Latin origin. Myth and mythology derive from Greek.