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No. He is the son of Iphicles, Hercules's mortal half brother.

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How did the goddess hebe act like?

Hebe - a Greek goddess of youth - seems to assist Ares, god of war and men - Hera goddess of women and marriage, and Aphrodite, goddess of love. She seems helpful, as in one myth she assists Hercules (her husbands) friend Iolaus.

Is Hebe in any myths?

Hebe was married to Herakles and returned youth to his friend Iolaus, and was cupbearer and helper to the gods of Olympus.

How did Hercules kill the hydra?

Hercules courageously attacked the hydra, cutting each head off with his sword, but he soon realized that as one head was severed another grew in its place. Heracles called for help from Iolaus, his nephew, telling him to bring a flaming torch, and as Heracles cut off the heads one by one from the Hydra, Iolaus cauterized the open wounds with the torch preventing them from growing again. Eventually, with the help of Iolaus, Heracles removed all but one of the Hydras' heads. The one remaining could not be harmed by any weapon, so, picking up his hefty club Heracles crushed it with one mighty blow, he then tore off the head with his bare hands and quickly buried it deep in the ground, placing a huge boulder on the top. After he had killed the Hydra, Heracles dipped the tips of his arrows into the Hydras' blood, which was extremely poisonous, making them deadly

Who is Hestia's nephew?

Hestia's nephew is Bellerohon.

What interactions did hebe have with mortals?

Hebe was the goddess of youth and young brides and could make the old young again she restored her husband Herakles's friend Iolaus in that way.

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