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335 bc

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Q: In what year did Pythias have a baby?
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In what year did Pythias marry Aristotle?

It must have been 347 BC plus or minus a couple of years.

What is the name of Aristotles daughter?

Pythias, the daughter of Aristotle& Pythias .

What is the climax in Damon and pythias?

when Pythias comes back

When was Pythias Russ born?

Pythias Russ was born in 1904.

When did Pythias Russ die?

Pythias Russ died in 1930.

When was Knights of Pythias created?

Knights of Pythias was created in 1864.

When was Knights of Pythias Pavilion created?

Knights of Pythias Pavilion was created in 1897.

Who was Pythias mean?

Pythias is the name of a man in a greek legend, about how Pythias was sentenced to death, but asked if he could visit his family. The king agreed on the condition that Pythias's friend Damon took his place in jail, and if Pythias didn't return by a certain day, Damon would die. Pythias returned at the last second, and the king was so amazed by his loyalty and friendship that he sent both free.

Who was Pythias?

Pythias is the name of a man in a greek legend, about how Pythias was sentenced to death, but asked if he could visit his family. The king agreed on the condition that Pythias's friend Damon took his place in jail, and if Pythias didn't return by a certain day, Damon would die. Pythias returned at the last second, and the king was so amazed by his loyalty and friendship that he sent both free.

What are the release dates for Damon and Pythias - 1908?

Damon and Pythias - 1908 was released on: USA: June 1908

What was Aristotle's wife's name?


What is the resolution In The Story Damon And Pythias?

In the story of Damon and Pythias, the resolution occurs when Pythias returns to face his death sentence, proving his loyalty and friendship to Damon. However, Damon offers to take Pythias's place, demonstrating the depth of their bond. Their willingness to sacrifice for each other ultimately leads to Pythias's pardon and the restoration of their freedom.