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The mythological characters have not existed in our chronology.

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Q: In what year did Jason and the golden fleece take place?
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What was the purpose of Jason and the Golden Fleece?

Jason, knowing that he was the rightful king, told Pelias that and Pelias said, "To take my throne, which you shall, you must go on a quest to find the Golden Fleece." Jason happily accepted the quest.

What is the English translation for the golden fleece?

The only Golden Fleece I know of is the fleece of the winged ram, Chrysomallos. Jason and the Argonauts set out on a quest for the Golden Fleece in one of the mythalogical stories. Jason was the rightful king of Iolcus, but had been overthrown by his half brother, Pelias, years before. Upon returning to claim his thrown Jason was issued a challenge... Pelias tells Jason that in order to take his thrown Jason must go on a quest to find the Golden Fleece... which Jason did along with his fellow Argonauts in Argo...thier ship. As far as the English Translation of the Golden Fleece...the fleece is the woolen hair of a goat, or ram. In this instance the fleece stands for royal power, wealth and power.

When did the quest of the golden fleece take place?

The Greek myths do not take place in our chronology.

What is Jason and the argonauts about?

It's about the quest undertaken by Jason and the Argonauts to get the Golden Fleece out of Colchis (modern day Georgia) and take it back to Iolcus in Greece.

What was the origin of the Golden fleece?

A winged ram whose fleece was of gold had been sired by Poseidon in his primitive ram-form upon a nymph, Theophane, the granddaughter of Helios.

Why was Jason a hero?

He and his Argonauts recovered the Golden Fleece from Colchis and brought it back to king Pelias in the city of Iolcus (with a lot of help from Medea, a Colchian princess who had fallen in love with Jason).

Land of golden fleece?

hell yes! I'll take five!

How long did the quest for the golden fleece take in Percy Jackson?

ive read the books twice but i actually cant remember...sorry

Medea was famous for what?

Medea was not a Goddess. Apollo the sun god was one of her ancestors, making her only partly divine. Medea was however a priestess of the Goddess Hecate (the goddess of magic and witch craft).

Where does Jason X take place?

in space on a ship

Why is shearing of sheep done in summers?

A sheep needs the fleece to protect it from cold, wet weather, mainly in the early spring and winter. In summer, the fleece is sheared off and sold for wool. It is done in summer as the weather is usually warm, and the sheep can then be dipped to kill off any ticks that would normally be unreachable through a thick fleece. If the shearing is not done, natural shedding of the fleece will take place, but the fleece and the income from the sales of the fleece, would be lost to the farmer. Sometimes, the market for a fleece is so poor that it is not worth the bother of shearing. In which case, the sheep may be allowed to be shed their fleece naturally, then the dipping can take place.

Where did Medea's story take place?

Medea's story took place in Colchis were she was born. She lived with Jason after they took the the Golden Fleece at Iolcus, Corinth and Atherns. Her story became a tragedy by Euripides. The most dramatic point was when she murdered her two children by sword in order to receive revenge on Jason for his treason. He left her in order to marry the daughter of the King of Corinth.