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offered Pizarro a ransom of 7 tons of gold and 13 tons of silver

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Q: In what attempt atahualpa gain his freedom?
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How did atahualpa attempt to gain his freedom?

He offered Pizarro a ransom of 7 tons of gold and 13 tons of silver

Why is Atahualpa important to South America?

he wanted to have freedom

How did atahualpa try to win his freedom?

He offered 24 tons of gold and silver.

When did India gain freedom from the british empire and gain freedom?

in 1997

How could slaves gain freedom in Muslim society?

In Muslim society, slaves could gain their freedom by buying their freedom. Additionally, female slaves could gain freedom by marrying a Muslim owner.

How could slaves gain their freedom in Muslim society?

In Muslim society, slaves could gain their freedom by buying their freedom. Additionally, female slaves could gain freedom by marrying a Muslim owner.

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It was the first region in south of Africa to gain freedom

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Daniel expects to lose his own life or the life of a friend. He does loose Samson after the rescue attempt.

Why was gavrilo princip important?

His nationality prompted him to take action in an attempt to gain freedom for his people against the foreign austro hungarian occupiers.

What deal did atahualpa make with Pizarro after atahualpa was captured by Pizarro?

Atahualpa said to give Pizarro a royal chamber full of gold if Pizarro let Atahualpa go.

When was Adaina atahualpa created?

Adaina atahualpa was created in 2011.

What did atahualpa do?

Atahualpa was an Inca. He was in a ciliver war between his and his bother.