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Q: In the past awful meant important why did Henry mean here?
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What are the passwords in the horrible histories game?

There are four different passwords for the game and here they are: Terrible Tudors - MOULD Rotten Romans - PIE Awful Eygptians - FOOT Measly Middle Ages - FISH Here are the things that you win once you have completed each level: Terrible Tudors - a mouldy wedding cake Rotten Romans - a peacock pie Awful Eygptians - a mummified foot Measly Middle Ages - a fish

What is the origin of enormous?

Well ............ I heard someone on a radio programme here in the UK .... about a decade ago ... say something like: a king or prince of the last century pointed out a man who was very big, and said 'look at that enormous fellow!'. But (apparently) enormous meant 'an unusual man' - not big; and, even though his highness meant the latter, the companion took it to mean 'big'.Goodness knows if this is true!John

Did pharaohs have big meals on special occasions?

a pharaoh had a very important role to play which was being the leader not only that but he also has to make very,very important decisions which no one could help wih he was a king which made him very important in the after life he was soo important he had to bring all his things he need they thought that they would do something very important in the afterlife a stair way to heaven they called it here are some web sites that give more info but remember iam only little so if some of these doesnt make sense that's why :) be happy

Who are the parents of Eileithyia?

Hi aleta here. I love the translation in Greek. I have always had a strong sense of truthfulness and honestly. I never knew what my name meant until now. I guess in my case, my name really does tell people who I am.

What important myths was Poseidon in?

Here is one myth that he is in. Its the myth where Athena (Goddess of War and Wisdom) and Poseidon competed to be the patron of the Greek city Athens. Athena won the contest,though Poseidon's offering was very powerful.

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What is a phrase using the word awful?

I hate this song, I think her voice is awful!He really is in an awful mood today; he's been so grumpy!Ma'am, I'm awful sorry about the mess we made of your lawn here, I swear we'll never play stickball on it again.

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The duration of Henry Poole Is Here is 1.67 hours.

When was Henry Poole Is Here created?

Henry Poole Is Here was created on 2008-08-15.

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Here is a sentence for King Henry VIII. King Henry was the son of Elizabeth of York and Henry VII of England.

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There is no such place as Gunia.If you meant Guyana, click here.If you meant French Guiana, click here .If you meant Guinea, click here.If you meant New Guinea, click here.If you meant Papua New Guinea, click here.If you meant Guinea-Bissau, click here.If you meant Equatorial Guinea, click here.

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Here are some sentences.Your teacher meant for you to do this work yourself.He never meant to hurt her feelings.

What languages are spoken in Guyane?

If you meant Guyana, click here.If you meant French Guiana, click here.

How old was anne Boleyn when she married Henry 8th?

Type your answer here... she was 27 when she married Henry the 8th

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What are Santa Claus's reindeers named?

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