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Q: In Greek Mythology who is the Queen of the Amazons?
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A strong woman warrior from a race of female warriors in greek mythology?

An Amazon. It's hard to tell if you are looking for a specific person or not, so I'll toss out Hippolyta, Queen of the Amazons.

In Greek mythology who killed the Minotaur and conquered the Amazons?

Theseus did.

Who is hippolyta in A Midsummer Night's Dream?

Hippolyta is the Queen of the Amazons, who is betrothed to Theseus, the Duke of Athens. In Greek mythology, these two legendary persons do in fact marry.

Where does Amazon mythology originated?

Out of Greek Mythology, the Amazons were a tribe of warrior women, daughters of Ares and Otrera.

How the Amazons gather their food?

There is no tribe in Brazil called the Amazons. The amazon tribe is a tribe of warrior women in Greek mythology.

Who of all the Greek goddesses was the queen of the Amazons?

artemis, the greek goddess of hunting.

Who is the leader of the warrior women in Greek Mythology?

According to Greek mythology, Hippolyta was the queen of the Amazons - who were women warriors. She mainly shows up in the mythology in relation to Hercules/Heracles getting her girdle (a gift from her father, the God Ares) as the ninth of his 12 labors and in a variety of myths that had her married to Theseus.

Queen of the Amazons in Greek Mythology?

There were three main ones: Otrera, the first queen; Hippoltya, known for having a golden belt that was a sign of power; and Penthesilea, who fought for Troy in the Trojan War but was killed by Achilles.

Who is the mythical female warrior starting with A?

The Amazons were a nation of female warriors in Greek mythology.

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In greek mythology who is the queen of Ethiopia?

Queen Cassiope

What word describes a strong muscular woman named after a race of female warriors in Greek mythology?
